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Rajesh Jain President, Shri Digamber Jain Society & Jain Mandir, Sarai Rohtak & Jain Sabha (Regd.), Rohtak

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The Art of Interview Skills Fiona Setch

we spend a large part of our lives working. so the more enjoyable your works is , the more you will enjoy".

Stress measurement
in less than
Gerry Larsson; Bodil wilde-Larsson

How are you feeling right now? This is the core question behind this book. But there is a hidden

Emotional Intelligence MTD Training

The study of Emotional Intelligence has its root in the work of Darwin, who posited the emotional expression was essential for survival.

Business Communication Moore, Lori Harvill

How a message is delivered conveys more meaning than the psychological act of preceiving and processing the words alone.

Revolution 2020 Bhagat, Chetan

"And I hope not just you but our whole country will keep that spark alive."

Two States Bhagat, Chetan

Welcome to 2 States, a story about Krish and Ananya. They are from two different states of India, deeply in love and want to get marreid.

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