
Developing Library Network. Connected with 4926 libraries worldwide.


E-Resources searches various eBooks, eDocuments, eJournals, etc.


It searches Library for books and some tables of contents, dissertations, journals (not articles).


Internet access & digital services.

Rules & Guidelines

  • Regular user of the Bhagwan Mahavir Library is required to have Bhagwan Mahavir Library membership. Please show your membership card at the request of the Library Staff.
  • Library Timings:
    Summer (April to Sept.) 8:30 AM to 7:00 PM Monday to Saturday
    Winter (Oct to March) 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM Monday to Saturday
  • Library membership card is not transferable and valid for one year.
  • Bhagwan Mahavir Library is not responsible for any lost or stolen of baggage.
  • Cell phones, group discussions, and food are not permitted in the Library. Use of any Tobacco/Alcohal product including smoking is prohibited in the library.
  • The library staff reserves the right to inspect all bags and packages when you leave.
  • Seating is available on first-come-first served basis.
  • Internet terminal are available on the same basis for 30 minutes slots. Staff may use their discretion of use, if computers are free.
  • Do not access gambling or pornographic material on Library computers.
  • Photography, filming, videotaping and audio taping are not allowed without the permission of the Library Authority.

Failure to observe these rules will result in the cancelation of membership.