
Developing Library Network. Connected with 4926 libraries worldwide.


E-Resources searches various eBooks, eDocuments, eJournals, etc.


It searches Library for books and some tables of contents, dissertations, journals (not articles).


Internet access & digital services.

About Bhagwan Mahavir Library, Rohtak

Bhagwan Mahavir Library, Rohtak is a public library situated in the heart of the city, developed and maintained by Shri Digamber Jain Sarai Mandir (Regd.) Rohtak under the leadership of Mr. Rajesh Jain (MD, LPS Bossard) President, Shri Digamber Jain Society & Jain Mandir, Sarai Rohtak & Jain Sabha (Regd.), Rohtak.

Bhagwan Mahavir Library is a hybrid library with combination of both physical and e-library. This library holds a very rich collection of over 15,000 printed books, journals and articles of different topics covering the reading needs of all age groups, along with the electronic resources which includes e-books, e-journals, research database, audio-video materials and other useful links and connected with the 4918 libraries of India and abroad through different library networks.

Our Aims

  • To provide the best services and make it as world-class library.
  • To develop this as a knowledge and research center for the scholars.
  • To extend community services by sharing innovative and useful information.